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Tulsa Personal Injury LawyerOklahoma Injury Law Oklahoma Law: Legislation at the State Level and Federal Level

Stay Informed, Protect Your Rights


personal injury lawyer in Tulsa, OKVideo Transcribed: Legislation affects all of us at the state level and at the federal level. You come home at five o’clock, and what do you do? Everybody’s fighting in Washington, DC. Well, we have a legislature as well, and they’re getting organized this very week to introduce laws.

I’m Oklahoma personal injury lawyer Mike Ashworth with the Wirth Law Firm, and one of the things I’m going to be doing is a continuing series of laws being sponsored in Oklahoma that may affect you directly, or they may be of interest to you because we want you to be informed about what your government is doing and know what your rights are. So we will start with the legislature next week.

Then periodically, I will monitor the legislation. I have a chance to review some of the bills sometimes, and we’ll teach you how you can review some of the bills sometimes. But we’re going to keep you informed because we think you’re worth it at the Wirth Law Firm to know your rights. If you need help from a Tulsa personal injury attorney or want information on legislation, contact us at tulsapersonalinjurylawyer.pro.