James M. Wirth Esq.
An unexpected injury can have a devastating financial impact that can be even more debilitating than the physical impairment an injury caused. Yet, when you’ve been injured, it’s understandable that the first thing on your mind might be how to recover and get your life back to normal. Insurance adjusters might be just as eager to settle with you. They have their own reasons for rushing in with a quick settlement.
One reason adjusters may be eager to make a settlement offer is to close your case before you find out what it’s really worth. The first medical bills you get after an injury often don’t tell the entire story. More bills can trickle in for the same hospital visits; you might get additional bills for lab costs or bills for specialists services. You might get a bill for ambulance services, which can run into thousands of dollars if you required emergency air transportation.
What Is Your Personal Injury Case Worth?
Even when the medical bills have all landed in one fat file folder, that’s often not the end of costs associated with an accidental injury or illness. You might not realize until you balance your books at the end of the year how much less you earned while you were away from work, or how much more you spent on incidental costs — maybe for a rental car or extra day-care for children while you were at medical appointments.
When a personal injury attorney evaluates a case, the result can be a figure far more than the sum of related medical costs. And a case evaluation looks at more than just damages. A personal injury trial lawyer will also examine the extent to which someone else was liable for your injury or illness. In a personal injury case evaluation, a trial attorney looks at what kinds of impressions the plaintiff (you — if you’re the injured party) and a defendant might make in court. A personal injury attorney may evaluate the strength of evidence, and any arguments the defendant might raise.
Does your case involve issues that are important to the community at large, such as seeking protection against defective products? It’s a question that can have a significant impact on the value of a case. The likelihood that you’ll ever be able to collect on a personal injury judgement also matters. Is the defendant insured, or otherwise in possession of assets that can be liquidated to pay a judgement?
Initial Consultation: Oklahoma Personal Injury Attorneys
Before you accept an insurance adjuster’s offer, contact an Oklahoma personal injury attorney at Personal Injury Law Office of Tulsa for a low-cost confidential case evaluation. Call today at (918) 924-5528, toll free at (888) 447-7262 or send us your question using the form above on the right side of this page.